Well we are now over two months into 2010 and the time has flew by. The weather is beginning to brighten up and we are getting some sunshine now :) I love to see the baby lambs jumping around the fields and the carpet of snowdrops all over the graveyards. No daffodils have emerged yet, the grass is all yellow because of the severe frost we have had, so hopefully in the next few weeks they will return to their rich green colour. There are lots of wee calves on the farm and I will try and get some photographs of them tomorrow.
So I am now going to recap on my goals for 2010 and see how I am progressing. I will go through each goal and give a brief outline of how I am getting on with it.
No.1 Eat healthier so instead of biscuits with mugs of tea- replace with cream crackers, replace cake and sweets with fruit- I might have slipped abit on this one, with a few too many treats in the evenings so I will began to get back on track this week as I have a family wedding coming up near the end of the month.
A weakness of mine
No.2 Keep positive, jot down positive thoughts and ideas in my notebook- Now this one has been very easy due to No. 15 being fulfilled, see everything is related and hence achieving one goal will help with other ones :) I continue to make notes in my fairy book each week.
No.3 Complete my plant and bird identification booklets- I am still working on this from time to time, I have all my sketches complete and inserted into my book, I have the text wrote up but will need to insert it now so I might get some time this month to progress with this.
No. 4 Study for my course- As No. 15 has been fulfilled I had to give up my part time course due to time constraints, however I am on the watch out for advertisements of part time evening courses for the summer months. I would like to do a short part time interior design course in the evenings.
No.5 Keep in contact with my friends reguarly- Last month I made sure I contacted and visited as many of my friends as possible, as some of my close friends live in England and Scotland I didn't get to see them all but I have plans to visit Scotland in the Summer time :)
No.7 Make more handmade projects- I did quiet a bit of card making and made alot of decorations for Valentine's Day. Tomorrow morning I think I will make a homemade Mother's Day Card for my Mother for Mother's Day next week (Don't forget!) I also made some simple rice krispie buns for my boyfriend for Valentine's Day and decorated them in a lovely package with lots of ribbon and cute valentines images.
No.8 Buy some blank white cards to make greeting card- As I already mentioned in my January update I bought some cream ones and lovely paper and stickers too. I will soon have to go and buy more though :) I really should get white ones this time as they are prettier and look better. 
No.9 Continue taking photographs of my travels and my local area at home- I took more photographs in February than January as the weather has began to improve but I will continue taking more and more. The most I took was of my lovely walk in the woods with my mother. 
No. 11 Appreciate those I love- Always and forever, I think I did this month!
No. 12 Start a very big project (It's top secret though so I can't share with you all yet)- Again this is still top secret hopefully by the end of the month I might be able to let you in on it as there is alot of background stuff to be fixed up first.

How neat is this wardrobe, someday mine will be this organised
No. 15 Keep applying for jobs and try and not get down about them- I kept trying and god loves a trier and I got a job- I'm three weeks into it now and I love it so far. It really is my ideal job. It took me awhile to get use to the early mornings and the later evenings again as my last job was nearer home and now I have an hour each way to go but I don't mind the driving :) This doesn't give me as much time to craft and blog now but I still get a chance some evenings to do these things.
No. 16 Improve my cooking skills- I don't know if I'm improving but I am cooking more now at the weekends as I am not at home during the days.
If only I had a kitchen like this...
No.17 Don't worry about little things as much- Now that I haven't as much free time on my hands I am not worrying as much, so it must of been something to do with idle time and too much time to think. So for any of you that worry too much, I say go do things, interact with people, start an evening course, volunteer with the local community or a charity, visit friends and try not to spend so much time on our own, which was my problem and meant I had too much time to think!No.18 Grow vegetables- The poly dome is still not up but it is still very frosty at night so maybe at the start of April - hopefully it wont be getting too late :)
No. 19 Organise my time better- I really have to rework this one now that I am working full time and am not home until nearly 7 so I need to ensure I use my free time at the weekend as efficiently as possible. Any suggestions welcomed?
No. 20 And most importantly enjoy life :) This month I am just grateful for those who believe in me and those who have given me a chance in life.
Darling, I hope you accomplish all your goals and then some. Have a week full of blessings.
ReplyDeleteLove & Hugs
I wish you well in achieving all your goals!
ReplyDeleteIt sounds as though you have the right frame of mind so that's always a good start!
I don't know if you're on flickr but if not, you should be. It's a good place to share your photos.
You have some very pretty photos!
LL Nat:~)
Oooh,I'm fascinated now...what is this top secret project I wonder!
ReplyDeleteYou are doing well to achieve some of your goals.Like you I love to be out in the countryside,especially at this time of year when everything is coming back to life.Saw some new born lambs on our walk last week...so sweet..bleat-ing at their Mums,and jumping in the air! They had little jackets on to protct them from the cold.
Bellaboo :o)
I hope you are indeed enjoying your new job! I have been thinking about you starting it in the past week or so and have been meaning to come and say hello. I'm so glad you came by to say hello to me and that you enjoyed my blue post. I know how you love blue! I will be posting more blue in the near future, so be sure to check back.
ReplyDeleteI wish you luck with all your goals. Isn't it hard to juggle having time between family, friends, work, play and time for yourself? Good luck with the better eating, I know that one's hard too :(
The best one is your last one, that no matter what, just being happy is all that really matters. So go have a happy day!!!!
hi hun! i'm dying to know your top secret??? Any sign of my parcel yet?
ReplyDeleteHugs Karen x x x
such a gorgeous post! i love how you describe spring arriving in your part of the world :o)
ReplyDeletegood luck with your goals xxx i'm on a healthy eating one too.
there's a recipe for healthy flapjacks on my blog http://skippinginthemeadow.typepad.com/hare_in_the_meadow/ scroll down to the february post.
your fairy book is so sweet! and such a lovely idea :o) i have an address book by the same artist.
wishing you a joyful week xxx can't wait do find out what the secret project is about :o)
lots of love xxx
wat maak je een leuke dingen ,die je gebruiken kan.je werkt met het zelfde materiaal als ik,allemaal verschillend.mooie foto;s erbij,lief dat je me volgd hoor,doe ik jou ook.
ReplyDeletelieve groetjes oma nijn
sweet post!! ...most of my 'to do' list is on my kitchen black board...I am getting through them :) xx